renaud bourlès associate professor in economics about publications working papers teaching email linkedin twitter i am currently associate professor in economics at ecole centrale marseille and aix-marseille school of economics . starting from october 2018 and for 5 years i will also be junior member of the institut universitaire de france. my research interests mosly lie in contract theory, especially risk-sharing. i also worked in the past on growth and productivity. i teach insurance economics, game theory and industrial organization. i currently head the economics and finance specialization at ecole centrale marseille and the quantitative finance and insurance track of the master aix-marseille school of economics. on this website, i provide the complete list of my works, the most recent versions of my working papers and the handouts of my lectures. you can find my full cv in english here and in french there . publications risk-sharing and transfers "income taxation and the diversity of consumer goods: a political economy approach" , with mickael dorsch and paul maarek , the scandinavian journal of economics , forthcoming. "entrepreneurial motivation and business performance: evidence from a french microfinance institution" , with anastasia cozarenco, small business economics , forthcoming "child income appropriations as a disease-coping mechanism: consequences for the health-education relationship" , with bruno ventelou and maame esi woode , journal of development studies , 54(1), pp. 57-71, 2018. "prevention incentives in long-term insurance contracts" , journal of economics & management strategy , 26(3), pp. 661-674, fall 2017. "altruism in networks" ( online appendix ) with yann bramoullé and eduardo perez-richet , econometrica , 85(2), pp. 675–689, march 2017. "pool size and the sustainability of optimal risk-sharing agreements" , with francesca barigozzi , dominique henriet and giuseppe pignataro , theory and decision , 82(2), pp. 273-303, february 2017. "state intervention and the microcredit market: the role of business development services" , with anastasia cozarenco, small business economics , 43(4), pp. 931-944, 2014. "risk-taking and risk-sharing incentives under moral hazard" , with mohamed belhaj and frédéric deroian , american economic journal: microeconomics , 6(1), pp. 58-90, 2014. "risk sharing contracts with asymmetric information" , joint with dominique henriet , geneva risk and insurance review , 37(1), pp. 27-56, 2012. growth and productivity in english : "do product market regulations in upstream sectors curb productivity growth ? panel data evidence from oecd countries" , with gilbert cette , jimmy lopez , jacques mairesse and giuseppe nicoletti , review of economics and statistics , 95(5), pp. 1750-1768, 2013. "employment and productivity: disentangling employment structure and qualification effects" with gilbert cette and anastasia cozarenco, international productivity monitor , 23, pp. 44-54, 2012. "the impact on growth of easing regulation in upstream sectors" , with gilbert cette , jimmy lopez , jacques mairesse and giuseppe nicoletti , cesifo dice report , 8(3), pp. 8-12, 2010 "education, market rigidities and growth" with philippe aghion , philippe askenazy, gilbert cette and nicolas dromel, economics letters , 102(1), pp. 62-65, 2009. "trends in "structural" productivity levels in the major industrialized countries" , with gilbert cette , economics letters , 95(1), pp. 151-156, 2007 "a comparison of structural productivity in the major industrialized countries" , with gilbert cette , oecd economic studies , 41, pp. 75-107, 2005. in french : "distance à la frontière technologique, rigidités de marché, education et croissance" , with philippe aghion , philippe askenazy, gilbert cette and nicolas dromel, economie et statistique , 419-420, pp. 11-30, 2009. "education supérieure, rigidités de marché et croissance" , with philippe aghion , philippe askenazy, gilbert cette and nicolas dromel, in "les leviers de la croissance française" , report of the french council of economic advisers, n° 72, la documentation française, 2007. working papers "business training and loan repayment: theory and evidence from microcredit in francee" , with anastasia cozarenco, dominique henriet and xavier joutard, amse working paper, n°2018-11 "informal risk-sharing cooperatives: the effect of learning and other-regarding preferences" , with victorien barbet and juliette rouchier , amse working paper, n°2017-06. "cash reserve policy, regulation and credibility in insurance" , with dominique henriet , greqam working paper n°2009-16 "on the emergence of private insurance in presence of mutual agreements" , mpra paper n°15374 teaching ecole centrale marseille (2009-) risk and insurance economics 3rd year engineering school ; 2nd year master (amse & imsa) in english in french -- introduction to actuarial science 3rd year engineering school ; 2nd year master (amse & imsa) -- in english in french -- organization and regulation of financial systems 2nd year engineering school -- in english -- industrial organization 2nd year engineering school -- in french -- game theory 2nd year engineering school -- in french -- topic: ict and growth 2nd year engineering school -- in french iae toulouse school of management (2008-2010) mathematics for finance 1st year master finance in french chap 1 ; chap 2 ; chap 3 ; chap 4 ; chap 5 ; chap 6 ; chap 7 ; chap 8 ; chap 9 continuous-time: chap 10 ; chap 11 ; chap 12 ; chap 13 ; chap 14 ; chap 15 ; chap 16 ; chap 17 -- arbitrage 1st year master finance elements text this is bold and this is strong . this is italic and this is emphasized . this is superscript text and this is subscript text. this is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... } . finally, this is a link . heading with a subtitle lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam id egestas urna aliquam nunc lacinia ante nunc ac lobortis. interdum adipiscing gravida odio porttitor sem non mi integer non faucibus ornare mi ut ante amet placerat aliquet. volutpat eu sed ante lacinia sapien lorem accumsan varius montes viverra nibh in adipiscing blandit tempus accumsan. heading with a subtitle lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam id egestas urna aliquam nunc lacinia ante nunc ac lobortis. interdum adipiscing gravida odio porttitor sem non mi integer non faucibus ornare mi ut ante amet placerat aliquet. volutpat eu sed ante lacinia sapien lorem accumsan varius montes viverra nibh in adipiscing blandit tempus accumsan. heading level 2 heading level 3 heading level 4 heading level 5 heading level 6 blockquote fringilla nisl. donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis. preformatted i = 0; while (!deck.isinorder()) { print 'iteration ' + i; deck.shuffle(); i++; } print 'it took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.'; lists unordered dolor pulvinar etiam magna etiam. sagittis adipiscing lorem eleifend. felis enim feugiat dolore viverra. alternate dolor pulvinar etiam magna etiam. sagittis adipiscing lorem eleifend. felis enim feugiat dolore viverra. ordered dolor pulvinar etiam magna etiam. etiam vel felis at lorem sed viverra. felis enim feugiat dolore viverra. dolor pulvinar etiam magna etiam. etiam vel felis at lorem sed viverra. felis enim feugiat dolore viverra. icons twitter facebook instagram github dribbble tumblr actions default default default small small small default default default small small small default default default small small small table default name description price item one ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99 item two vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99 item three morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99 item four vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99 item five